last change: 2008-10-02

> Home > HVGA-P-HTC-Dream-W

HTC Dream / T-Mobile G1 Skin

Google Android mascot (c) Google Inc.

Hello Android fans and developers. I'd like to share with you some emulator skins I created for the Google Android SDK.


This skin shows the white version of the long awaited and first to market Android powered smartphone G1 from T-Mobile in portrait mode. It is also known as the HTC Dream. The HTC Dream/G1 was officially revealed on 2008-09-23.

HVGA 320x480 (Portrait)
device color


Android emulator skin HTC Dream in white and portrait mode


Unpack the zip file and copy the created directory and files to ./tools/lib/images/skins/ within the installation directory of the Android SDK.

For more information please read my Android Emulator Tutorial